Extensions for 2024 Taxes
All regular season spots are now full, everyone will need an extension! Extensions only extend time to file, NOT TIME TO PAY! Here's how it works:
1. Sign the Engagement Letter if you haven't already
2. Fill out the special Extension Organizer to give me the basic information I need to file an extension for you. I am unable to provide any personalized guidance on what to pay with extension at this point. I have put together a guide that highlights the most common reasons people end up owing, but it is not a personalized estimate and therefore may not be correct. It is up to you to determine how much you want to pay with extension, and JenTaxPrep LLC bears no responsibilty for any penalties or interest if you underestimate. YOU MUST FILL OUT THE EXTENSION ORGANIZER FOR ME TO FILE YOUR EXTENSION! If you do not, it will not be filed, and JenTaxPrep LLC bears no responsibility for any failure-to-pay penalties. If you haven't been sent the Extension Organizer, please email me!
3. If you are making payments with extension, sign the extension docs Jen sends to you.
4. Wait to get the confirmation from Jen that your extension is filed! If you haven't already gotten it, you will then be sent the regular Organizer to get your taxes done! Head over to HOW IT WORKS for the regular tax prep process!
Thank you for working with me to get you extended, and I look forward to finishing your return soon! I will continue working my regular tax season schedule through May 15 to get as many people as possible done within the next month.
1. Sign the Engagement Letter if you haven't already
2. Fill out the special Extension Organizer to give me the basic information I need to file an extension for you. I am unable to provide any personalized guidance on what to pay with extension at this point. I have put together a guide that highlights the most common reasons people end up owing, but it is not a personalized estimate and therefore may not be correct. It is up to you to determine how much you want to pay with extension, and JenTaxPrep LLC bears no responsibilty for any penalties or interest if you underestimate. YOU MUST FILL OUT THE EXTENSION ORGANIZER FOR ME TO FILE YOUR EXTENSION! If you do not, it will not be filed, and JenTaxPrep LLC bears no responsibility for any failure-to-pay penalties. If you haven't been sent the Extension Organizer, please email me!
3. If you are making payments with extension, sign the extension docs Jen sends to you.
4. Wait to get the confirmation from Jen that your extension is filed! If you haven't already gotten it, you will then be sent the regular Organizer to get your taxes done! Head over to HOW IT WORKS for the regular tax prep process!
Thank you for working with me to get you extended, and I look forward to finishing your return soon! I will continue working my regular tax season schedule through May 15 to get as many people as possible done within the next month.